A new way forward from the Oxford Street East Cycleway
Cyclists would have a choice in Paddington:
The separated cycleway would be on Moore Park Road, improved, and not moved to Oxford Street East
Oxford Street East would be revitalised as a destination, as per the Paddington Society proposal, with shared lane cycling in a village environment which includes:
Footpath widening allowing for improvements:
parklet extensions for alfresco dining
more street trees to provide additional beauty and shade
car parking bays outside shops
bus bays for buses to pull into the curb
A reduced speed limit
All right hand turns on Oxford St are retained
Current bus stops on footpaths are retained

Background to Plan C
& Fact Sheets
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) proposed the Oxford Street East Cycleway (OSEC) in February 2023, with a dedicated cycleway on Oxford Street East through Paddington.
The TfNSW proposal (referred to as PLAN A for the purposes of this discussion as it was the community’s starting point for discussion with TfNSW about their plans for a separated cycleway on Oxford Street East) is significantly unpopular with voters (refer to the Fact Sheet).
The Paddington Society had proposed some years earlier a proposal for the revitalisation of Oxford Street East in Paddington, as a village. The proposal was updated, named “Oxford Street Paddington – The Village High Street as a Place for People”, and submitted to TfNSW as a counter-proposal for a plan for Oxford Street East though Paddington. The Paddington Society’s proposal (referred to as PLAN B for the purposes
of this discussion) did not include a dedicated cycleway. TfNSW did not adopt Plan B.
PLAN C proposes a third approach, to meet TfNSW’s objectives by providing a dedicated cycleway on Moore Park Rd, and to be acceptable for the Paddington community and its supporters, by revitalising Oxford Street East as a village.
PLAN C is an integrated solution. It integrates the requirements of TfNSW, and the Paddington community, and additionally it delivers benefits for other important and significant Oxford Street East stakeholders including:
Other NSW Ministries
Jobs and Tourism
Small Business
The Arts
Music and the Night-time Economy
the Darlinghurst and Woollahra communities on Oxford Street East
Visitors to Paddington (refer to 'Plan C in Detail')
PLAN C is supported by the following community groups:
The Paddington Society
Paddington Chamber of Commerce
Queen Street & West Woollahra Association
Darlinghurst Business Partnership
Paddington Darlinghurst Community Group
Three Saints Square Project.
Ways You Can Help:
Numbers count. You are a voter so make your voice heard, whether you are a resident, a business owner, a visitor, an Oxford St lover.
I support that “Plan C – The Integrated Paddington Plan” be adopted and implemented as the preferred solution for the Paddington Cycleway, with:
a) A dedicated cycleway on Moore Park Road and Flinders St, and
b) Revitalisation of Oxford St East through Paddington, as per
The Paddington Society’s proposal with
Footpath widening for improvements including
Parklet extensions for al fresco dining
More street trees for beauty and shade
Car parking bays outside shops
Bus bays for buses to pull into the curb
A reduced speed limit
All right hand turns are retained
Current bus stops on footpaths are retained.
Sign the Petition!

Share to your socials!
Tell others of PLAN C being the new way forward for the Oxford St East cycleway. Ask others to sign the petition. Forward it on to your friends, family and others, to help save Oxford St East – to anyone who can vote, particularly in Paddington, Woollahra and Darlinghurst.
About Us
PLAN C was developed by the Three Saints Square Project (3SS).
The project is based in the Three Saints precinct, at the western end of Oxford Street East, which is bookended by two of the best art schools in the country, i.e. The National Art School (NAS) and UNSW School of Art & Design.
The Three Saints Project represents businesses and residents and institutions, on Oxford St from Greens Road to Taylor Square, surrounding Three Saints Square and including both the north and south sides of Oxford St.
The purpose of the Three Saints Square Project is to bring together the businesses, residents, institutions of the Three Saints Precinct, and other interested parties, to address issues that are of common interest to improve that precinct on Oxford Street, and to facilitate resolution of
issues with the relevant authorities.
The Three Saints Project is one network on Oxford St. It also collaborates with other Oxford St networks, to facilitate common goals to improve Oxford St “from park to park”, i.e. from Hyde Park to Centennial Park.
The founder of the project is Sue Ritchie, co-owner of The Beacham Hotel, with concurrent experience in big and small business:
35 years experience in Oxford St East in Paddington, Darlinghurst and Woollahra as a resident and/or business owner
20 years experience in small business on Oxford St at The Beacham Hotel
12 years prior experience in small business in Darlinghurst/Paddington at The Palace Hotel
A Degree and 1 st Class Honours in Information Technology from UTS
Over 20 years of corporate experience in IT, with 18 years consulting to Qantas, specialising in
Complex problem strategic planning
Integration of the requirements of up to 32 diverse business units
Change management
Face to face interviews with 70 local businesses and residents, as well as the Paddington-Darlinghurst Community Working Group and The Paddington Society, were conducted, incorporating their feedback into the draft of Plan C, prior to endorsement (including unanimous support from the Paddington Society committee), publishing and submitting of PLAN C to TfNSW on 14 December 2023, prior to TfNSW publishing their analysis of community feedback later that month.
Since then, The Three Saints Project has been reaching out and continues to reach out to other East Oxford Street networks and individuals about PLAN C.